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  • 2024 주제 말씀
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September Curriculum & Memory Verse [session 1] Jeroboam Disobyed God[session 2] Elijah Served as a Prophet[session 3] Elisha Served as a Prophet[Session 4] Elisha Performed Miracles[session 5] We are to Worship God Alone 2024. 9. 8.
August Curriculum & Memory Verse [session 1] God Gave Solomon wisdom[session 2] Solomon Built the Temple[session 3] Solomon's Sin Devided the Kingdom[session 4] God is Good to Give Mercy 2024. 9. 8.
July Curriculum & Memory Verse Unit 1: God Chose David to be KingUnit 2: David Fought GoliathUnit 3: God Made a Covenant with GodUnit 4: David Sinned and Was ForgivenUnit 5: God is Good to Give Grace 2024. 7. 21.
June Memory Verse & Curriculum [session 1] Israel Demanded a King[session 2] God Made Saul King[session 3] Saul Sinned and Was Rejected[session 4] God is Good to Judge Sin6월 성경 암송 (Memory Verse) 2024. 6. 24.
May Memory Verse & Curriculum 5월 암송말씀5월 주요 교리[sesseion1] The People Kept Sinning[sesseion2] God Used Samson[sesseion3] God Provided for Ruth[session4] God Provided ro Hannah[session5] Eli's Sons Disobeyed God[session6] God Takes Sin Seriously 2024. 5. 13.
April Curriculum & Memory Verse Unit 8: Into the LandSesseion 1: God Defeated JerichoSesseion 2: God Gave the People the LandSesseion 3: Joshua Challenged the PeopleSesseion 4: God's Miracles Prove Who He is 2024. 4. 14.
March Curriculum & Memory Verse Sesseion 1 Jesus was anointed Session 2 Jesus shared a Last meal Session 3 Jesus was Arrested Session 4 Jesus is our Perfect Priest 2024. 3. 3.
February Curriculum & Memory Verse Unit 7: Back to the Land Session 1: God Encouraged Joshua Session 2: God Stopped the Jorden River Sesseion 3: The Bible Helps Us Love for God 2024. 2. 11.
January Curriculum & Memory Verse Sesseion 1: The People didn't Go into the Land Sesseion 2: Moses Disobyed God Session 3: God Healded the People Sessiion 4: No One is Like God 2024. 1. 8.